Saturday, February 28, 2009


By Lauren McLaughlin
What would you do if you were forced to change sexes for 4 days every month? Jill has a disease that no one has heard of. Instead of having her period, she changes into "Jack", a man. She has been like this since she was fourteen. Her excuse is that she needs blood transfusions every few weeks. So when her "inner man" starts getting bored and escapes the jail of his/her room, and visits her best friend Ramie, who he's in love with, he makes life difficult for Jill. All she wants to do is go to the prom with Tommy Knutson, and Jack is interfering with her life. 

This is a very weird but interesting book. It's the first book that I have read about a sex changing woman. Mix that up with high school life, crazy parents, you've got CYCLER. This book isn't too bad, but is really kind of weird. How this idea came up, I don't know, but this is interesting. The plot would be kind of lame without the he/she problem. I would give this book a B, for keeping me interested, but scaring me off at the same time. Better than some books though... (Generation Dead).


So i have just been shopping. I went to Borders and a five dollar or less bookstore. Here are the newbies. 
Cycler by Lauren McLaughlin
M and F? by Lisa Papademetriou and Chris Tebbetts
Catalyst by Laurie Halse Anderson
That Summer by Sarah Dessen
Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead
The Truth About Forever by Sarah Dessen
I Was A Non Blonde Cheerleader by Kieran Scott
Paradise Lost by Kate Brian
Peeps by Scott Westerfeld
Looking for Alaska by John Green

I plan to read these along with other that have yet to be opened. Even though I has a disorder of buying too many books, give me recommendations, and you can consider them read. After all, my readers come first. 
And if you have read any of these, tell me how you feel about them, I would love to know. Although I have already read Looking for Alaska (I know own two copies - plan to give away as gift, don't worry) and Peeps. 

Please forgive me for lying, I am putting Crank on hold, and reading Cycler and Paradise Lost. I will read Crank, do not fear, these are just shorter. 

Friday, February 27, 2009


Ellen Hopkins
Vanessa, tried to cut herself to death. Tony, tried to overdose himself to death. Conner, tried to shoot himself to death. All have different stories. All have one thing in common. They all failed in their attempts of suicide, and all ended up in a rehab center. In their strict new way of life, they work through therapy, hurtful family relations, and friendships, to get out of rehab. 

This is a kind of depressing book. Teenagers trying to off themself, already living painful lives. It is a good book, but since this is the first book that I have read, I am going to give Hopkin's the benefit of the doubt, and I am starting to read Crank, another one of her poetic books. Another interesting aspect of her books, are that they are written poetically. She makes it hard, yet different to read. I would give this book a B though some would disagree with me. 

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Nic Sheff

Born from a broken family, he has two fathers, two mothers, and two siblings. Having a good life is something he wasn't far from. But then he started drugs. Always wanting the best for his brother and sister, he was always there for them, until the drugs. He was good in school, until drugs. He had a good life, until drugs. In his autobiography, he describes his live in and out of rehab. His life with Zelda, a woman with a boyfriend, and almost twice his age. His short lived, only physical relationship with another. His nothing but supportive friend Spencer, and his family. He has done everything to be done. Meth, Heroin, Speed, Crack, Mushrooms, you name it. In this book you follow his journey from taking drugs, to being clean, to selling drugs, to being clean, to doing drugs......

This is a hard book to read. Not in the sense that it is literary difficult, but to have to comprehend that someone has gone through this. If you are curious about drugs and it's effects, this is the book to read, before you go out and try these substances. You can see the side affects and the addiction and the problems that come with drugs. I like this book alot. I can see that it took a lot of effort and strength to describe and share his experience to the world. If he doesn't know this, but he probably save many lives, just scaring kids away from the wrong lifestyle. 

P.S. I Loathe You

P.S. I Loathe You
Lisi Harrision

In this addition to the Clique series, the girls, Claire, Massie, Dylan, Alicia, and Kristen, are back and ready with the boyfast officially terminated. With Claire back with Cam, and Alicia together forever with Josh, all seems good right? Wrong, Dylan whose was a C-minus (crushless) becomes a C-plus, to taken, things get complicated. Kristen is torn between The Pretty Committee, The Witty Committee, and being herself, and when her two best friends use her to get the same guy, she has to choose, beauty or the nerd?

Okay, so this book is one of those series that are good when you start it, and then start get boring when you read on forever, but since your loyal, you read every new book anyway. So when this book came out, I wasn't expecting much, since the Summer series had me bored. Well i predicted true, and it was just ..... a book. In this one, Massie is a mean friend, Alicia is Alicia, Claire is caught up in Cam, Dylan is being sneaky, and Kristen is being torn. I am going to read the next book, because, i am an addicted reader, and don't give up(except for the A-List, that was a goner). I would give it a C , but if you are a Clique fanatic, you should still read it, since it didn't blow. 

New Releases

Tuesdays are great. You know why they're so great. Well let me explain. Not only does American Idol come on on Tuesday, but it is New Release day at bookstores. Here are some new libros out.
Paradise Lost by Kate Brian
P.S. I Loathe You by Lisi Harrison
Envy by Godbersen
Fade by Lisa McMann
and in two weeks, Hunted by the Cast come out. 
So there you go, the magic of tuesdays.