Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Festival of Books

I just recently visited the festival of books at UCLA this weekend. It was pretty cool. There were hundreds of booths about books, and they even had interviews with authors. I waited in line for an half hour (only that!) to get an my copy of Will Grayson Will Grayson signed by John Green (one of my top five favorite authors) and David Levithan (author of Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist). I got a signed copy of Meg Cabot's Runway from her Airhead series, and visit my neighbor D.R. Whitney at her booth for her book The Last Princess and The Cup Of Immortality. I got a cool shirt for Little Angry Girls that say "I'm looking for your reputation" and has a girl searching through trash on it. There were plenty of free books that were handed out, and entertainment everywhere. It was certainly an enjoyable afternoon with my family, and i would recommend everyone to go visit it next year. I plan to take my friends next year.