Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Nic Sheff

Born from a broken family, he has two fathers, two mothers, and two siblings. Having a good life is something he wasn't far from. But then he started drugs. Always wanting the best for his brother and sister, he was always there for them, until the drugs. He was good in school, until drugs. He had a good life, until drugs. In his autobiography, he describes his live in and out of rehab. His life with Zelda, a woman with a boyfriend, and almost twice his age. His short lived, only physical relationship with another. His nothing but supportive friend Spencer, and his family. He has done everything to be done. Meth, Heroin, Speed, Crack, Mushrooms, you name it. In this book you follow his journey from taking drugs, to being clean, to selling drugs, to being clean, to doing drugs......

This is a hard book to read. Not in the sense that it is literary difficult, but to have to comprehend that someone has gone through this. If you are curious about drugs and it's effects, this is the book to read, before you go out and try these substances. You can see the side affects and the addiction and the problems that come with drugs. I like this book alot. I can see that it took a lot of effort and strength to describe and share his experience to the world. If he doesn't know this, but he probably save many lives, just scaring kids away from the wrong lifestyle. 

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