Friday, February 20, 2009


Wake and Fade
by Lisa McMann
I love these books. I don't love the fact that they are really short, but i like the facts that they are so interesting. Fade follows wake. In both Janie, can see people's dreams, only with many side affects. Cabel, is a fellow high schooler who just happens to be worried about her. I would tell you more, but that would ruin the story, and i wouldn't do that to you, my faithful readers, only my best friends. But, no, i can't even do that. they put me on a "are you done with (enter book name here)" only restriction. This means i cannot talk about the book they are reading until they finish it, because i have a tendency to say, "have you gotten to the part where...." and they haven't, so i have been punished. Way off subject, tho i thought you should know. 

Thursday, February 19, 2009


I just got back from a soccer practice! I know, it's just soccer, but it been like a month and it feels so good to be back again. Just wanted to let you know. 

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Bass Ackwards and Belly Up

Elizabeth Craft
This is a sweet book. Out of all the characters, Harper, Becca, Sophie, and Kate, Becca is my favorite with Sophie behind as a close second. I also hate TREY and love Sam and Stuart. You'll get it soon enough if you read the book. I don't care for Magnus and Adam. Tho i love the name adam. (in third grade, i was named Adam in the yearbook, tho i didn't have an adam in my family at all?) There is a second book, and i have yet to read it, so look for that one soon. 
So when Harper lies to her friends and tells them that she decides to not go to NYU when she doesn't get accepted, and how she's going after her dreams to write the next Great American Novel, two of her other friends decide to take off college, she feel guilty, but still cannot tell the truth. Sophie, goes to LA to make a living as a actor, and Kate goes backpacking to find her dream. All the while Becca keeps her plans and goes to college, but breaks her own rules, when a Football player shows interest in her.