Friday, February 20, 2009


Wake and Fade
by Lisa McMann
I love these books. I don't love the fact that they are really short, but i like the facts that they are so interesting. Fade follows wake. In both Janie, can see people's dreams, only with many side affects. Cabel, is a fellow high schooler who just happens to be worried about her. I would tell you more, but that would ruin the story, and i wouldn't do that to you, my faithful readers, only my best friends. But, no, i can't even do that. they put me on a "are you done with (enter book name here)" only restriction. This means i cannot talk about the book they are reading until they finish it, because i have a tendency to say, "have you gotten to the part where...." and they haven't, so i have been punished. Way off subject, tho i thought you should know. 

1 comment:

carley1 said...

andie's reading those books. WAIT!!!
i think she finished wake and is half way through fade.
