Saturday, January 24, 2009

Borders is where the heart is...

I bought nine new books yesterday. Yeah, i know, also i have to make some review tho i have a busy weekend. I also have like 15 books to read. 
Here are some i just bought
the book thief
and many more....


Grace said...

I read the book thief a while ago, it's awesome. Haven't heard of the rest though

Anonymous said...

Awesome! I wish I could afford to buy that many books =D At least I can borrow them from Oxfam or the library... =D


Jordie19 said...

to GraceNotGracie, i didn't hear much of the other ones, they were on sale.

And to SuperStizzle, i am actually pretty broke, but a babysitting job, gift card, and coupon can go a long way. also the buy one get one free deals too.

Avery said...

I've heard of Burned. Lots of my friends have said it's pretty good, maybe I should read it, too. ^_^

Jordie19 said...

i bought the book thief so hopefully i like it!

Grace said...

ATTENTION: You have been officially tagged with my meme, since I know you actually read my blog! Go see my latest post or die of curiousity, wondering what the heck a meme is!

Jordie19 said...

will do